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Returns a tibble with congruence data of Swiss municipalities. The data indicates for each existing municipality at the start_date to which municipality/municipalities it corresponds at the end_date.


  start_date = NULL,
  end_date = NULL,
  incl_unmodified = TRUE,
  incl_territory_exchange = FALSE,
  use_cache = TRUE,
  max_cache_age = "1 day"



Begin of the period the data covers. A date or a character scalar in the format "YYYY-MM-DD".


End of the period the data covers. A date or a character scalar in the format "YYYY-MM-DD".


Include municipalities where no changes occurred in the defined period.


Include information (additional rows) about territory exchanges within and between municipalities.


Whether or not to return cached results if possible. If FALSE, results are always newly fetched regardless of max_cache_age.


Duration after which cached results are refreshed (i.e. newly fetched). A valid lubridate duration. Use Inf to disable cache expiry. Only relevant if use_cache = TRUE. Defaults to 1 day (24 hours).


A tibble.


swissmuni::congruences(start_date = lubridate::today(),
                       end_date = lubridate::today(),
                       max_cache_age = "6 hours")
#> # A tibble: 2,131 × 12
#>    InitialHistoricalCode InitialCode InitialName         InitialParentHistorica…¹ InitialParentName InitialStep TerminalHistoricalCode TerminalCode TerminalName
#>                    <int>       <int> <chr>                                  <int> <chr>                   <int>                  <int>        <int> <chr>       
#>  1                 10009        4122 Villnachern                            10023 Bezirk Brugg               NA                  10009         4122 Villnachern 
#>  2                 10078        6158 Vionnaz                                10013 District de Mont…          NA                  10078         6158 Vionnaz     
#>  3                 10157        3023 Speicher                               10098 Bezirk Mittelland          NA                  10157         3023 Speicher    
#>  4                 10159        6011 Zwischbergen                           10035 Bezirk Brig                NA                  10159         6011 Zwischbergen
#>  5                 10162        2228 Villars-sur-Glâne                      10104 District de la S…          NA                  10162         2228 Villars-sur…
#>  6                 10165        2230 Villarsel-sur-Marly                    10104 District de la S…          NA                  10165         2230 Villarsel-s…
#>  7                 10242         181 Wila                                   10076 Bezirk Pfäffikon           NA                  10242          181 Wila        
#>  8                 10268          71 Wil (ZH)                               10081 Bezirk Bülach              NA                  10268           71 Wil (ZH)    
#>  9                 10275        4045 Wettingen                              10025 Bezirk Baden               NA                  10275         4045 Wettingen   
#> 10                 10277         121 Wetzikon (ZH)                          10079 Bezirk Hinwil              NA                  10277          121 Wetzikon (Z…
#> # ℹ 2,121 more rows
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​InitialParentHistoricalCode
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: TerminalParentHistoricalCode <int>, TerminalParentName <chr>, TerminalStep <int>